Name *
Organization Type *
Non Profit
For Profit
Email Address *
Briefly describe your project:
Please describe your requirements: (check all that apply)
Is this research designed to study typical educational practices (e.g., instruction, classroom management)?
If so, will the research occur in an established educational setting?
Will the research consist solely of standardized tests, surveys, interviews, or tracking public behavior?
If you are to use survey instruments, how many different survey/assessment instruments will be used during this study?
Two to Three
Four to Five
Six or more
Will subjects have anonymity? (If participant names appear on consent forms, if research involves interviews, or if the investigator can link a number with a name then subjects will not have anonymity.)
If information about subjects is disclosed, can you ensure they will not be at risk for damage to their financial standing, employability, or reputation?
Will you collect or study existing data, documents, records, pathological or diagnostic specimens from publicly available sources?
Will you collect or study existing data, documents, records, pathological or diagnostic specimens so that data cannot be linked to identifiable subjects?
Will the study use deception (i.e., withholding information or giving false or misleading information to subjects)?
Will procedures cause any degree of discomfort, harassment, invasion of privacy, risk of physical injury, threaten the dignity, or otherwise potentially harm subjects?
Has another IRB declined to review or approve this protocol?
Has another IRB terminated this research?
Will subjects be drawn from any of the categories listed below?
Minors (individuals not of age under State law to consent).
Prisoners or persons who are under criminal sanctions
Persons with diminished mental capacity (retardation, neurological, psychiatric, or related disability)
Persons in a residential program (hospital, developmental center, group home, nursing home, etc.)
Clients of a human service program (e.g., counseling center, clinic, etc.)
Children who are wards of State
Non-English speaking
Adults who do not read or write
Educationally disadvantaged
Economically disadvantaged
Employees or family members of the Principal Investigator or Sponsor
Students of the university or the Principal Investigator participating in this research